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Sick and tired of self-proclaimed experts who do nothing  but talk about how great they are?
If "Industry Experts" are so good, then why aren't they SHOWING you:
  • How they raised their fees?
  • ​What their Gross Revenue is?
  • ​How they close IDEAL prospects?
  • ​How many active clients they have?
  • How they handle client objections?
  • Their annual profitability year over year?
  • ​How many vacations they take each year?
They cannot show you because they are not doing it. It is time for "Industry Experts" to put up or, shut up. 

What if instead of doing what some experts HOPE will work, you could be coached by a team of real-world financial advisors who are living your dream practice every day? 


BackStage Pass Membership is best suited for Advisors who are really good at taking an example of what works and duplicating it for use in their own practice.

This is our self-guided membership where you will have access to all of the tools and resources you need to Deliver Massive Value to your clients, increase your profitability, and spend more time outside of the office. 
  • I​mplement Surge, Start Sending Value Adds and Deliver Massive Value to Clients by leveraging templates, samples, scripts, processes and systems used by Matt & Micah in their own practices, with new and timely materials added regularly.
  • ​Live Trainings where Matt & Micah bring you topics and materials designed to DOUBLE your practice.
  • Quarterly Masterclasses on a variety of topics to help your practice grow (access for 1 quarter).
  • Members Forum where you can network and strategize with Advisors like you, committed to success.
  • Spot coaching with the TPR team via email.
  • ​BONUS: Retirement Tax Services resources - Annual Tax Reference Guide + 37 Questions To Ask On Every Tax Return
Are you ready for Coaching?

Are you ready for Extreme Accountability?
What makes Matthew unique is that he has so systematized his firm and the services he provides to his clients, that he’s able to support all 150 clients while also taking over 80 days of vacation every year, and still maintain a more-than-50% profit margin! In essence, Matthew runs a hyper-efficient lifestyle practice.”

- Michael Kitces

How You Will Double Your Success

  • 2x Your Effectiveness. Recognize and stop "playing office." Learn how to ensure the work that you are doing is intentional and focused. Determine your hourly rate (we will help you define that!) and ask yourself if every task you do is worth your rate? Become hyper-focused on being effective in all aspects of your life.
  • 2x Your Prospecting. Increase your revenue and onboard clients you want to work with. Graduate (fire!) clients you know are not a good fit and make room for the people you know you can and want to help.
  • 2x Your Value to Clients. Deliver Value Adds each quarter that reinforces and solidifies your relationship with them. Become immune to "fee compression" because the value you provide clients with is so exceptional they know you are worth the premium fee.
  • 2x Your Profitability. We will walk you through how to calculate your Earnings Before Owner Compensation (EBOC) so you can finally know how profitable you are. Then, walk through what you need to do to 2x your profitability.
We have 3 Tenets that each Member of the Nation MUST subscribe to:
1. Deliver Massive Value. 2. Spend More Time Out of the Office with Family. 3. Build a Highly Profitable Practice. 
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