BackStage Pass Membership
Registration Is Open For A Limited Time. Sign Up Today!

Enrollment Closes In...
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Step #1: Contact Information
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx):
Step #2: Billing Info
Company Name:
Step #3: Check out
$497 every month
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated
By checking this box, I agree this is a yearly commitment, even if paying monthly, starting from today's date, and that my yearly membership will auto-renew. (Why a year?? It will take at least that long to change your practice by implementing the changes from this program.) 

Our membership contains everything Matt and Micah use in their practice and will be available to you starting day one of your membership. 

No refunds will be granted. Should I wish to change or cancel my membership upon renewal, I will notify The Perfect RIA at least 3 business days prior to the end of each twelve-month cycle.

1 Year Commitment 

By completing your order,  you agree to a 1 Year Agreement.

Secure Payment

All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy.
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