Important: The enrollment is closed. We are not accepting memberships at this time.
For more information, click the button below and submit the form, or email


In 12 To 36 Months!

Become A BackStage Pass Member And Receive Over $50K In Training, Resources & Bonuses!

Join BSP Today And Get These Irresistible Bonuses:

FREE Ticket to The Perfect RIA LIVE event SOLD OUT!

The first 5 BackStage Pass Members to enroll will have the opportunity to attend The Perfect RIA LIVE in September.

MASTERMIND Invitation ($100K - $200K)

All new BackStage Pass Members will get a special invitation to apply for the Fall Mastermind.

Acceleration Call ($1,000)

The goal is to set you up for success and tailor the BackStage Pass journey to fit the unique needs of your business.

Prospect Process Masterclass ($50K)

This Masterclass will help you get more prospects and turn more prospects into clients.

Note From Matt & Micah

Dear Advisor,

Let us ask you a question: do you know how to double your success over the next 12 months?

Are you sick and tired of self-proclaimed experts who do nothing but talk about how great they are? Quite honestly, that's what frustrated us so much. 

If these "Industry Experts" are so good, then why aren't they SHOWING you:
  • How they raised their fees?
  • What their Gross Revenue is?
  • How they close IDEAL prospects?
  • ​How many active clients they have?
  • How they handle client objections?
  • Their annual profitability year over year?
  • ​How many vacations they take each year?
They cannot show you because they are not doing it. It is time for "Industry Experts" to put up or shut up.

Imagine a different path: instead of following the uncertain advice of so-called experts, what if you could be guided by a team of real-world financial advisors who are already living the dream practice you aspire to? This is what BackStage Membership offers you.

Our Goal Is To Help You 2x Your Effectiveness!
Stop "playing office" and start transforming your practice. We'll show you how to ensure that every task you undertake is intentional and focused. Learn how to calculate your hourly rate and question which tasks are worth your rate.

Our Goal Is To Help You 2x Your Prospecting!
Increase your revenue and onboard clients who are a perfect fit for your practice. Learn how to graduate (or even fire) clients who aren't a good fit, making room for those you truly want to help. With our guidance, you will master the art of attracting and retaining ideal prospects.

Our Goal Is To Help You 2x Your Value to Clients!
Deliver quarterly Value Adds that reinforce and solidify your client relationships. Become immune to "fee compression" by providing such exceptional value that clients know you are worth your premium fee. We'll show you how to exceed client expectations consistently.

Our Goal Is To Help You 2x Your Profitability!
Finally, understand your profitability by calculating your Earnings Before Owner Compensation (EBOC) with our support. We'll guide you on what you need to do to double your profitability.

That's why we want personally invite you to become BackStage Pass Member. 

The BackStage Membership isn't about theory; it's about real, actionable strategies that are proven to work, that we are still using in our practices.

Stop wasting time on empty promises and start doubling your success with a team of seasoned financial advisors who walk the talk. 

Join us today and transform your practice.

Matthew Jarvis, CFP® & Micah Shilanski, CFP®

With BackStage Pass

We Are Giving You The Tools

BackStage Pass Membership is best suited for Advisors who are really good at taking an example of what works and duplicating it for use in their own practice.

This is our self-guided membership where you will have access to all of the tools and resources you need to Deliver Massive Value to your clients, increase your profitability, and spend more time outside of the office. 

Step-by-Step Proven Growth Process (Priceless)

Quantifiably deliver more value to your clients. Increase your profitability with a proven method.

Comprehensive Onboarding Process ($12,000)

Know where your clients are at any time. Enjoy peace of mind knowing you're always in the loop.

Guided Discoveries ($12,000)

Facilitate better conversations with clients. Ensure clients hear and follow your recommendations.

Quarterly Value Template Add-Ons ($12,000)

Receive a new value template each quarter. Show your clients the value you are providing consistently.

Swipe and Deploy Documents ($10,000)

Save time with ready-to-use documents. Eliminate the need to recreate resources from scratch.

Client Newsletter Service ($4,000)

Receive a done-for-you newsletter to send to your clients. Retain clients, increase referrals, and stay connected with your Centers of Influence (COIs).

​Members Forum ($2,500)

Get help with business, client, and technical questions. Join a supportive community dedicated to your success. Network and strategize with advisors like you who are committed to success.

Access to Live Events ($1,000)

Participate in exclusive live events. Stay updated and connected with the latest trends and insights.

But Wait, That's Not All...

PLUS: You Also Get These Irresistible Bonuses:

FREE Ticket to The Perfect RIA LIVE event SOLD OUT!

The first 5 BackStage Pass Members to enroll will have the opportunity to attend The Perfect RIA LIVE in September.

MASTERMIND Invitation ($100K - $200K)

All new BackStage Pass Members will get a special invitation to apply for the Fall Mastermind.

Acceleration Call ($1,000)

The goal is to set you up for success and tailor the BackStage Pass journey to fit the unique needs of your business.

Prospect Process Masterclass ($50K)

This Masterclass will help you get more prospects and turn more prospects into clients.

The Results Speak For Themselves...

By investing in the BackStage Pass Membership for just $497 per month, you gain access to Matthew's and Micah's almost $2M investment in professional development, distilled down to the things you need to do to grow your practice.

Who would want more? Act Now!

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