Exclusive Masterclass For The Perfect Estate Planning Process
Building Relationships That Have Massive Impact On Your Business
The Estate Planning Masterclass
With Micah Shilanski, CFP®, RFC® and Rod Zeeb, JD, HDP™


If you listen to the The Perfect RIA podcast, you know how excited we get when we talk about estate planning.

Estate planning isn’t for the super wealthy—everyone over 18 needs to get their affairs in order, but most people never do. No one wants to think about dying, let alone plan for it.

This presents a huge opportunity for advisors to change lives by offering this value add to your practice.

We want you to be successful in your practice; all the tools you need to leap from a B-Level Advisor to a Rockstar Advisor are just a click away!

This course teaches you how to plan for your clients' desired outcomes instead of simply deciding who gets what.

To help you understand why estate planning matters, check out this course, where Micah Shilanski, CFP® and Rob Zeeb, JD, HDP™ talk about essential questions in estate planning.

If you’ve never implemented estate planning in your practice, don’t worry!

Even if you’ve been in practice for five, ten, or twenty years, you’ll find valuable information in this course that will help you deliver massive value to your clients.
  • Chapter 1 - What Is Estate Planning? 
This chapter focuses on what we mean we, as financial advisors, say that we also do estate planning for our clients. Why? Because there might be a big difference between what we currently do and what we can and should do for our clients to have a complete estate plan.
  • Chapter 2 - Estate Planning Fundamental Documents
What are the fundamental estate planning documents; Do your clients have them all; What is the easiest and the most effective way to review them?
  • Chapter 3 - The Estate Planning Process
Sharing a document that explains to clients the importance of having an estate plan and discusses the information that will be reviewed during the process.
  • Chapter 4 - Trusts
Discussing the reasons and benefits of having a trust, different trusts available, and reviewing the tax implications trusts can have.
  • Chapter 5 - The Family Meeting
This chapter discusses the importance of the family meeting as an information-sharing session and the advisor's role within it.
  • Chapter 6 - The Main Takeaway
Sharing the action items we all should implement TODAY.
  • BONUS Chapter - How To Find The Right Estate Planning Attorney
With this course, in addition to specific action items, you will also get access to all the Estate Planning documents Micah uses in his practice. Yes, you got that right! We will be giving you the Estate Planning Flow Chart, the Estate Planning Documents Review Checklist, the Estate Planning Process document for your clients, and the Attorney Interview Questionnaire.

Who could ask for more???

Become a Rockstar Advisor by learning how to implement and use a guided discovery process 
to help your clients realize the implications of their final wishes for themselves. 


Micah Shilanski, CFP®, RFC®
Shilanski & Associates, Inc. & The Perfect RIA Co-Founder
Micah is a Financial Planner at Shilanski & Associates Inc, the founder of Plan Your Federal Retirement, which focuses on helping Federal Employees plan for their retirement, and is the co-founder of The Perfect RIA and Retirement Tax Services.

Micah is intently focused on delivering massive value to his clients and is continually looking for ways to help and better serve them year after year. He is always looking for ways to make his office run more efficiently – and is relentless in improving the use of his time.
Micah is considered one of the top experts within his niche of financial planning – federal retirement benefits. He enjoys finding new ways to leverage technology to serve his clients and educate the public.

Rodney C. Zeeb, JD, HDP™
Founder and CEO of The Heritage Institute
Rod is the co-founder and CEO of The Heritage Institute, the world's leader in the research and application of heritage design services to families, individuals, and non-profit organizations.

He offers mentoring, coaching, and marketing support for professional advisors who wish to provide heritage planning and provides consulting services directly to individuals and families.

Rod is passionate about training professionals to deliver what clients actually want, a plan that meets the financial needs of the family while preparing the family for the inevitable surprises that come with implementing an estate plan.


While the estate attorney is responsible for the legal documentation, passing the entire estate planning buck off to an attorney doesn’t help you build vital client/advisor relationships.

Not only are these relationships essential for the client, but they have a massive impact on your business.

75% of clients who left their advisors after the 2008 market crash did so because of a lack of relationship with their advisor.

When you have solid client relationships, you’ll get more business from the client, receive more introductions, and have higher client retention.

We have 3 Tenets that each Member of the Nation MUST subscribe to:
1. Deliver Massive Value. 2. Spend More Time Out of the Office with Family. 3. Build a Highly Profitable Practice. 
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